Rabita Environment and Activity Park (REAP)
Project: Rabita Environment and Activity Park (REAP)
Client: Rabita Australia
Category: Community/Place Making
Time: 2019 - current
"Br Issam, we've just purchased 5 acres of land and we want to build upon it a mosque"
"Congratulations, what's in it for everyone else?"
A six month conversation ensued around the idea of positive community benefit and engagement with the wider community through meaningful and relationship-building activities.
The result is a multi-layered vision based upon universally accepted activities that promote physical and mental wellbeing, reinvigoration of the environment and the nurturing of social interaction.
The masterplan includes; a farm-to-plate café, a commercial kitchen, seminar rooms, a men's shed, a farmer's market piazza, an outdoor theatrette, a masjid, a multipurpose sports and community hall and a full outdoor sports field with pavilion and change room amenities. Additionally, the regenerated dam is now an ornamental lake which serves as a catchment for all building roofs, there is a herb and fragrance garden, picnic areas, a playground, olive grove and therapeutic market garden designed for accessibility.
The most heartening aspect is the eager involvement of a wide range of community organisations that are leaders in their fields and the overwhelming support of local, state and federal government - all of whom recognise the unique and outstanding potential that this project has become. Meritorious mention must be made of the client's openness to this approach.
Stage 1 of the Masterplan is now complete and Stage 2 documentation and permits are currently being prepared.